Senin, 25 Februari 2013

namaku dihatimu

Kutuliskan diatas kertas
Namamu disudut samping harianku
Kukatakan dengan indah
Namamu disudut hatiku yang terdalam

Aku begitu mencintaimu
Walau aku tau kau begitu menyakitiku

Aku begitu bahagia bersamamu
Walau aku tau kau juga begitu melukaiku

Hanya satu hal yang tersisa dari semua ini
Hanya satu hal yang tersimpan dari semua ini
Namamu, Cintamu, Kasihmu
Dan kenanganmu. .

Aku tau cintamu kan pergi dariku kelak nanti
Aku tau kau akan melupakanku kelak nanti
Kau tau mungkin kembali padaku
Kau tau mungkin ada lagi disampingku

Tapi aku hanya ingin satu hal darimu
Biarkanlah aku tercatat dalam sejarah hidupmu
Bahwa aku pernah ada dalam hidupmu
Mencintaimu dengan tulus dan suci

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

My Letter

To my sweetheart,,

Let me reach my longing. Now I feel so stupid I do not know what made me think that I can survive without the help of people I felt an indescribable loneliness. I think I made ​​a fool of everyone that I do not need anyone, in fact I need you in my life. You complete my life and fill my heart.
You show me a different life. You got me thinking. You can make facing myself, facing others, facing you. You made ​​me fall in love. love you so beautiful. No one can love you more than me. right I do anything for you. You already know it all when you give all your heart to me.

All I need is you. You are the heartbeat, the pulse that kept alive. You became my savior even before I realized I needed help. you're everything to me, to me too much when it is mentioned in the letter. Let this be the beginning of a love letter in my life. I wish I could be everything for you, now and forever.

  I promise to love you every moment  forever ....

Your lovely